Sunday, September 07, 2008

To My Family

" I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, one's own family or nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace". Dalai Lama

My sentiments exactly. I lifted this quote from a new friend I acquired in "Facebook". It is great that I am able to connect to a lot of my relatives in this great social network, the added freindships are a bonus.

I have not posted for a long, long time. I continue to be very, very busy; mostly doing things to meet the challenges the Dalai Lama spoke about. I want to set a good example to the young ones, I want the elders to be proud of me.

I love what I am doing! I hope to continue "doing" after I retire - I am getting there soon, if I ever retire. I have joined the "Lion's Club". I will be inducted in two weeks and received my first pin from another club yesterday.

On the downside, the doing leaves very little time for "being" - for taking care of Ethna Maria (yes, in my heart I am Ethna Maria Montecillo). Case in point, I was sooo busy last week, that my car is sitting at the Madonna University parking lot. My friend Larry told me that it was on empty last Wednesday.

Because it is the first week of the semester, I have not been able to make it home until at least 8:00 PM. No cash in my pocket and have not been able to make it to the bank. So when I left last night at 6:00 PM - the car stopped and the banks were closed. My friend Ray Gulley brought me home. Thank God, I have some wonderful friends.

I walked to church today - I could use the exercise for sure! Northville is a great walking town - unusual for suburban Detroit. After church, I decided to stop at the library - half way between my house and church - gave me a chance to rest and check Facebook and post.

That is how I found this quote that I lifted from the page of a new friend, based in Washington DC.

I love you family - take of each other as well as the other folks around you! May God Bless You Always!

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