This picture was taken before Mama left for the US in 1953. One of the few pictures where you see us together.
This photo was taken, when we were part of the "living rosary" - for Cardinal Midzenti and celebration of "Cristo Rey" ???? Cardinal Midzenti was the first cardinal to visit Cebu and the Philippines. The visit was a very big deal for Cebu.
This is truly a family photo for me - with Manoy Aliado, Ingko Tony, Inday Tanciang and Amy. Growing up, I have always thought of the four of them as my brothers and sisters.
I still remember the times spent at the "barberia" in Cebu City - the games, the fights, the fun!
And typhoon Amy - our bus was stuck in Basak or Binongkalan - we found refuge in this small house on the side of the hill. Lola Ilyang was taking all four of us to Catmon. No easy feat as Ingko Tony and I were sort of "precocious." The next morning because the fallen trees blocked the road, so we had to walk all the way to Poblacion. Somewhere along the line Titi Bebeng and Mama caught up with us. We, the children, took turns riding on Titi Bebeng's bike.
As a teenager, Manoy Aliado and Ingko Tony were always there for me - with advice, a helping hand, some comforting words and the occasional well deserved reprimand. I am so lucky to have grown up with such wonderful older brothers. Inday Tanciang was great company and playmate.
And lots of novenas, rosaries and prayers with the "olds" - Lola Sana, Lola Ebeng, Lola Ciana, Nanay Emang and of course, Uray Tilde!
Remembering the "torta making marathon" during the holidays and special occasions and thinking about the delicious smell that floated up to the room where we slept still make my mouth water. I loved my turns in pulling the ropes to stir the mixture - all those eggs. Then there's the hope that the "magical ovens" fired by "bunot" would burn some so we can eat them.
The recipe was guarded like magic potion.
It is comforting to know and think that Manoy Aliado continues to be the Manoy Aliado I know as a child in the roles he has assumed with the family. As Ingko Tony continues to be Ingko Tony for me. He seemed to know so much about science stuff!
When I lived with Tita Remy and Tio Dodo - Amy always doted on me like a younger sister. Although, I was older than she is, I learned plenty from Arminda.I used to feel so bad and useless when I saw her preparing my water for baths.
I was so spoiled.
They all made me feel very special - when I look at this photo now - I am thanking God that they are in my life - such a blessing! I just want them to know how much I love them!
hi auntie!
i saved the previous pics u posted to my phone and planned to have them printed so oyang can see them more clearly. unfortunately i got too tired as i worked until 1pm (we normally get off at 7am). good thing you posted some more. i'm saving them, too ;)
I hope you are going to get some rest - sleep deficits can be brutal emotionally and physically!
Some simple relaxation breathing exercises can help and apples always help me stay awake - healthier than coffee also, I should talk - my body runs on caffeine!!!
Love to all,
hi, I am attempting to find my mother's family. Could you please write me at
My name is gracedale Montecillo and my mother is Angielita Montecillo and she has a sister name Eva. I don't know if you can help me, I just have to try..
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