Roots and wings are the best gifts that we can give to each other and the future members of our family - our children and grandchildren. I read somewhere, that family provides the roots - the more roots, the healthier the plant - unless the plant is root bound and have no room to grow.
Plants with shallow roots are easily blown away by the slightest wind. The more the roots intertwine with each other, the stronger the family, the more support available to the young ones. Young people will eventually go and make their own way -a strong family provides a strong base to rise from, when they are ready to fly out into the world. Strong rooted connections will provide a good safety net to catch them should they fall.
I want the members of the family to understand that most of this accounts are from memory. Mostly my view of the Pantaleon Montecillo Clan were formed when I was young, during my formative years. I was in my teens when I left Catmon in the early part of the sixties. There are a lot of things about the family that I don't know about, a lot of family dynamics that are very mysterious to me from my vantage point.
Had a conversation over the weekend with cousin Levi Adelan, that helped illuminate some things but also left me with more unanswered questions.
Maayo gyud unta ang mga tugpuanan sa atong kabataan!
Tatay Panta
I don't know very much about Tatay Panta except that he was the last Kapitan in Catmon. His reversal of fortune happened when the Americans came after the Spanish American War - that is my perception. He had a hard way to go. He lost not only his prestige and position, but also his wife. He was left with a lot of children to care for - some of them still very young. A major blow to the psyche for sure!
So if any of my family members are reading this - please contribute what you know.
Nanay Teresa
Don't really now much about her. Lola Milyang used to tell stories about her but I was not paying attention. She was born a Rivera - I had the opportunity to meet some of the Rivera relatives from Bantayan Island, when I was young.
Her sister Josefa, married a Jurado and was the mother of Lola Ninang Monsanto, Lola Lolang Ares, Lolo Babeng, Lola Pipang, Lola Malta Innocencio, Lola Uding Ruedas, Lolo Titing, I think I am missing some names - like Tio Quirico's father in Bohol, etc. I wish I had paid better attention to the details.
The Rivera family lived close to the beach in the proximity of where the high school is located now. They owned land on both sides of the Naghalin River up to Bagalnga.
I guess, what I am hoping to happen is that our family would start to reconnect and strengthen the connections through the sharing of memories and pictures. I am hoping that this would start bringing us all closer together. It is a legacy that we can leave to the future generations and bind them together, no matter where they are.
I will post what I remember of the Lola Talina and her children.
There is still a lot of work to be done. I hope the family will continue to share memories and photos. Mecmec Concha does a really good job! His work has been inspirational. I hope and pray that he continue to keep all of us informed and connected.
Thank you, Mecmec!
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